RAW Recap

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Triple H was in the ring. He said all of this is the fans fault & he is going to end the Yes Movement & Daniel Bryan. Triple H said he is going to say a couple of things to Bryan man-to-man later. Batista came down to the ring & was upset that Bryan was given an opportunity to be apart of the WWE World Heavyweight Championship match at WrestleMania. Batista said he isn’t cool with it. Triple H said Bryan doesn’t stand a chance of beating him. Randy Orton came down & said he agrees with Batista. Triple H said there is no possibility of Bryan beating him. Triple H asked them if Bryan has gotten in their heads. Batista said not as much as Bryan has gotten in Triple H’s head. Orton asked for a No DQ match tonight against Bryan so he can do what Batista couldn’t do last week. Triple H said Orton has got it. Orton told Batista the fans don’t care about him & they wouldn’t be in this situation if Batista would have lived up to all his hype. Batista said Orton sucks as the champion & Triple H is the only reason he is the WWE World Heavyweight Champion & called Orton a paper champion. Batista said Orton doesn’t deserve the titles & is going to lose to him because Orton is not better than him. Orton & Batista argued, Triple H tried to break it up & they shoved him away. Triple H started to leave & Batista asked him where he was going & said he needed to fix this. Triple H said is sick of Daniel Bryan & the fans cheering for him, he is sick of Hollywood movie stars coming back here think they can tell him what’s right for this business & he is sick of technically gifted guys who are screwed up in the head & can’t win a match without him holding his hand. Triple H said the old man is right, the only one you can trust is yourself. Triple h said there IS going to be a Triple Threat Match at WrestleMania but Bryan wont be in it because he wont get past him but when he beats Bryan the Triple Threat Match will be Batista VS Orton VS him. Triple H headed to the back & Orton took out Batista with a RKO.

Renee Young caught up with Batista in the back. Batista said coming back here was a big mistake & he is leaving.

The Real Americans VS The Usos: The Real Americans got the win.

Promo for WWE Slam City.

The Shield in the back with Kane. Kane said things got out of hand Friday on SmackDown & they all made some regrettable decisions that could have consequences. Dean Ambrose said yeah for you. Kane said The Authority has given them a mission & he needs a united Shield. Kane said if he can’t count on them, then The Authority can’t count on them & they stop being a asset & they become a liability. Kane asked if he can count them. Seth Rollins said they are united. Roman Reigns said believe that. Kane said he believes they will do the right thing when asked or they will find out how replaceable they are.

Hornswoggle was handed out some St. Patrick’s Day items to fans. Bad News Barrett raised up on his podium. Barrett talked about St. Patrick’s Day. He had some bad news about people getting drunk & waking up the next morning & regretting the shameful things they did.

Sheamus VS Titus O’Neil: Christian did commentary & announced he will be in the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal. Sheamus got the win. After the match, Renee talked to Sheamus in the ring. Sheamus said he is entering the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal & he will win it. Christian attacked Sheamus from behind. Christian laid out Sheamus on the floor with a Killswitch.

Arnold Schwarzenegger & Joe Manganiello from the film Sabatoge will be on RAW next week. Scooby-Doo & The Mystery Machine will also be on RAW next week.

John Cena came to the ring & talked about always giving his best & being honest with the fans. Cena said he is afraid of Bray Wyatt & fears the fans are listening to what Bray says. Cena said Bray is different than anybody he has faced before. Cena said Bray doesn’t care about being the best, all Bray wants to do is destroy  & will stop at nothing to destroy his legacy. Cena said Bray it trying to convince the fans that he is a liar, a phony & is evil. Cena said to hell with that. Cena said he is afraid of Bray but he believes, he believes in everything he has done, everything he stands for & everything he will do. Cena said WrestleMania isn’t about fighting Bray, it’s about fighting for every scar on his body, every injury & everybody who has believed in him. Cena said at WrestleMania he will fight for his legacy. The Wyatt Family appeared on the big screen. Bray was wearing a Cena shirt. Bray said children believe in Superheroes & they want to believe the world is good. Bray said they haven’t lived long enough to understand everything is a lie. Bray talked about his childhood & the world giving him scars because it was his birthright to have them. Bray said they taught him everything he loves in life sooner or later is going to wither away & die. Bray said he could be just like Cena. Bray said at WrestleMania he doesn’t care if he dies as long the world sees Cena the way he does. “Follow the buzzards.”

No DQ Match: Randy Orton VS Daniel Bryan: Batista came in & speared Orton. Bryan dropkicked Batista out of the ring. Bryan got the win. After the match, Batista hit Orton with a Batista Bomb.

Paul Heyman came out & talked about The Undertaker verily surviving against his last several challengers at WrestleMania. He said Brock Lesnar has proven hi dominance against those same opponents & that Lesnar has conquered them. Heyman showed a video to prove his point. Heyman sain Taker’s streak will be conquered by Lesnar. Heyman said Taker & his streak will rest in peace.

The Authority in the their office. They talked about Triple H wanting to talk to Daniel Bryan tonight. Stephanie McMahon talked about Bryan disrespecting then & her family last week. Triple H said the match at WrestleMania is already made & tonight he is just going to talk to Bryan. Stephanie asked him what happens to business & their family after WrestleMania when he becomes WWE World Heavyweight Champion. She asked if he was even thinking at all. Triple H said maybe for the first time in a long time he is thinking clearly & that he got this. He told her to leave him alone & let him take care of it. she said he better.

Fandango VS Goldust: Goldust got the win.

Kane came to the ring & talked about Daniel Bryan’s occupy RAW last week. Kane said he investigated the incident & Bryan couldn’t have done it all on his own. Kane invited Jerry Lawler into the ring. The Shield came down & made Lawler get in the ring. Kane said he isn’t going to enjoy this because Lawler looks out of shape, well maybe he will enjoy it a little. Kane asked Lawler if he had anything to say for himself. Seth Rollins told Lawler that Bryan isn’t going to come & save him. Rollins said The Shield always does what is best for business. The Shield turned toward Kane & Lawler left the ring. The Shield attacked Kane & laid him out with a triple powerbomb.

The Funkadactyls VS AJ Lee & Tamina Snuka: The Bella Twins did commentary. Funkadactyls got the win. After the match, AJ yelled at Tamina & Tamina shoved AJ down.

Mr. T was announced as a 2014 WWE Hall of Fame inductee in the celebrity wing.

Big Show is entering the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal.

8-Man Tag Match: Bid Show, Big E, Mark Henry & Dolph Ziggler VS Rybak, Curtis Axel, Damien Sandow & Alberto Del Rio: Big Show, Big E, Henry & Ziggler got the win.

Renee Young talked to Batista in the back, she asked if it is safe to assume that he didn’t quit because he is still in the building. Batista said he hasn’t quit anything in his life. He said he doesn’t care if it’s Triple H or Daniel Bryan, he is leaving WrestleMania with what he came back to WWE for, the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.

Kofi Kingston VS Bray Wyatt: Wyatt got the win.

Triple H came to the ring & asked Daniel Bryan to come out. Bryan came to the ring. Triple H said he will be lucky if his wife talks to him tonight. Triple H said all the things he has done to Bryan was because he believes was best for business. Triple H said it wasn’t personal. Triple H said Bryan crossed the line last week. Triple H said at WrestleMania they are going to do what they do better than anybody else but he is going to end the Yes Movement & shut it down by putting an end to Bryan & it’s what’s best for business. Triple H said no hard feelings & may the best man win & offered a hand shake. Bryan said no & refused to shake his hand. Triple H said it was cool & if it was him he would do the same thing, probably worse. Triple H talked about all the crap he has dumped on Bryan but Bryan is still standing here. Triple H said Bryan has earned his respect. Stephanie came out yelling respect & said what Bryan did last week was disrespectful & illegal & endangered everybody. Stephanie said she is pressing charges & called for officers to come out & arrest Bryan. Triple H argued with Stephanie as 6 police officers went to the ring
& they took him down with excessive force & handcuffed his hands behind his back. Triple H came back into the ring & told them to get off him, it’s not what he wants. Triple H said they aren’t real cops anyway & told them to get out. Triple H assaulted a helpless Bryan. Triple H placed Bryan’s head next to the ring post & blasted him with a steel chair. Stephanie yelled for Triple H to finish him. Triple H hit Bryan with a Pedigree. Stephanie kissed Triple H & he said, my ring, out ring, our house, our show, this belongs to us, there is no Yes Movement.